April 23 1994

I conceived an oddity today. Just a small thought, sprung into my mind whilst I was attending a conventional meeting. It appeared to be right after we hammered out the eighth Master Rule, prohibiting the formation of groups. Recently, a high government official shared a confidential document to members of a group he formed, and they revolted, protesting against the WASE throughout Purmunity 3 - 14. Of course, they were all terminated immediately, but it was a shame to see such violence and disruption. Territorial Guide 3 was who brought about the idea, suggesting to the Skilled that we should “outright ban any non government functions.” Anyways, at the closing of the meeting, I borrowed the Master Rule poster the Enabling was operating with and for just a second I received a thought about how petty and unfair some of the rules were. Startled, I had never expected the birth of a faithless idea, even for just that minuscule amount of time. Immediately, I laid down the poster and rushed to my dwelling. However, when I arrived home, I let the thought persist. It was evil and retched, but I slightly began agreeing with the idea. Now, here I am. I’m beginning this journal to document more off thoughts. They are so peculiar and interesting, I must study them, though incredibly mischievous. Hopefully, I am careful enough to keep this journal hidden, if this were ever to be found… it would be painful.

August 6 1994

Quite some time it has been since I have laid my deformed words in this journal. Now, I have a reason. Another candid thought was expressed. This time, I was assisting a Wise Court Judge in executing a termination procedure. The subject had supposedly mentally injured another person. Before the execution began, I was mortified by a more prolonged idea. I questioned why we were sentencing to death an individual who had barely inconvenienced another. Also, it could have been an accident. Troubling, I know. Enamored in this thought, I slept little and began a plan to draft a Chance System for the Master Rules. I didn’t want to eliminate another person without confirming their legitimate disobedience. I’m heading out to a conventional meeting now, wish me luck on my endeavor.
Surprisingly, it was effective. The Skilled was the only one grumbling, but he is obsessed with bloodshed, so it was expected.

September 9 1994

Just this morning I was reviewing schedule times with their relation to circadian rhythm and time zones with the Able, when I had another interesting thought. Why are we keeping the citizens inside? Why are we restricting their freedom of choice? It’s malicious, but very interesting, to ponder.

December 27 1994

Very minimally, I am starting to enjoy these wrong doings, they are quite the thought experiment. I would be in such immense trouble if this were to ever be found… Anyways, there was another incident. Actually, it wasn’t quite an incident that catalyzed the thought. Moreover, it just appeared. Why are we punishing conversation? Really, I hadn’t thought about it previously, but many years ago I remember a time when you would converse with your peers and family, and I hadn’t realized how it had fizzled out. This brings back memories of my childhood, very discomforting. Still, the South had rulings back then, such as the only one child rule, but it wasn’t like this. In fact, we even teach children to stay introverted from age zero! This is ridiculous! I can’t believe I haven't realized it until now!

January 1 1995

Recently, there has been an influx of citizen communication with Northerners. There was a conventional meeting held to address the issue. The entire time I held my tongue, my mind heaving with ideas and thoughts, I couldn't even speak or I’d reveal my disobedience. Eventually, they came to the conclusion to outright ban all communication devices and contact with the north. I was fuming, desperately hoping that somehow the north would continue to figure out a way to reach our citizens, and free them from this world without communications and choice. With some uncertainty, I do think they were catching on to my troubling manner. I need to find a way to free myself and the citizens.

February 6 1995

One month ago, I conceived a plan to aid the citizens of our twisted nation. Now I begin setting it in action. At the moment, it is the Rest Month, a period of relaxation for all citizens, including the W.A.S.E. As a result, I can easily slip away on the basis of a ‘vacation.’ Hopefully, I can push through the border quite simply as well, due to my high rank. Tomorrow morning, I will alert my fellow W.A.S.E. of my travels and deploy towards the northern border. Wish me luck.

February 8 1995

Luckily, the plan proceeded smoothly, and currently, I am enroute to the Eastern Confidential Crossing. The others on the W.A.S.E. were heading to government vacation spots, so my alibi was passed as true without conscious thought. With all good fortune, I now have nothing left but a few skittish Education Center guards.

February 14 1995

The United States is beautiful! Cities are strung with innovative names and variating structure, and most of all, I see so many outside and conversing. How delightful, if only the South had the same… At the moment, I am in Eastern Ohio on a train bound for Toronto. My mind is filled with joy and relief, but also empathetic for the poor unknowing Southerners. Shortly, once settled in, I must find a way to communicate the truth with them, or at least northern citizens.

March 2 1995

The sheer amount of devices in the U.S. is insane, and their advanced technological power is incredible. Even before the ban, Southern computers were limited and clunky, basically bricks compared to the U.S.A. In the meantime of my move, I have endeavored in ‘html’ and ‘css,’ and am now thinking about the possibility of creating a webpage.

March 21 1995

Finally, I have settled myself in. I have a small flat in east Toronto and have even acquired a job and computer. Who knew the craziness of the U.S. workforce, being able to pick up your own career and earn money, though it is financially necessary for life. Anyways, with my computer, I have built a website to spread the truth. I call it ‘Free Wise,’ as it is for the freedom of wisdom about the South to all. I have even linked a cell number to contact disobedient citizens in the South.
With some revisions, I am now thinking of the possibility of suspicion over my identity and where I received all the information. In the worst case, it may even alert the Southern government and they discover my deed.
To combat this problem, I have listed all information as gathered from communication incidents with Southern citizens. Hopefully this should keep me protected.

April 4 1995

Each day I arrive home from my small job, the number of hits on my website warms me, inciting in me the profound joy to have shared and freed this information to the public. Long live the truth.

- The Wise